Lasting weight loss
through gastric bypass

  • Short waiting times

  • Specialized care

  • Personal attention

Lasting weight loss
by gastric bypass

  • Short waiting times

  • Patient comes first

  • Individual attention

Have you been dealing with obesity for years and are having trouble getting rid of it?

  • You’ve been overweight for years, no matter what you do, you can’t get more than a few pounds off and it keeps coming back on.

  • You’ve decided after much hesitation that you want a stomach reduction, but there are very long wait times everywhere. You don’t get anywhere fast.

  • You are tired of starting another diet and are ready for a healthy lifestyle.

  • You now face additional diseases that threaten your health.

Then let us help you. WeightWorks is a medical clinic with extensive knowledge about the causes and treatment of obesity. We specialize in gastric reduction surgery for permanent weight loss.

Want to know if you qualify?

Why WeightWorks?

Short waiting times

With us, you get your turn quickly. We don’t have long wait times. Because of our years of experience, we have an efficient process and can help many people in a short time.


WeightWorks’ specialists specialize in stomach reductions and the treatment of obesity. Together they have performed more than ten thousand stomach reductions.

Personal attention

No one is waiting for boring group discussions and advice that is of no use to you. In our lifestyle program, we look at how we can best help you. That way, you’ll get tailored advice.

We understand your

Nothing is more frustrating than always having to fight the pounds. No one chooses to be overweight. Obesity is a creeping disease that eventually affects your health. In addition, obese people are more likely to suffer from depression, shame and prejudice from others. We have been able to help many people in recent years on their way to a more enjoyable and healthier life through gastric bypass surgery.

We have an extensive team of specialists, psychologists, dieticians and lifestyle coaches. Individual attention is one of our most important values. Therefore, with us you are not a number but you speak to the same people from the start to the after process. The process begins with a screening and then surgery, but we will guide you for up to 5 years after your surgery. This is how we help you stay healthy in the future.

Team WeightWorks

Experiences of our patients:

  • Voor en na foto van Debbie, die aanzienlijk gewicht verloor na een maagverkleining bij WeightWorks.


    "After being diagnosed with diabetes and once again failing diet attempts, I made the choice to have gastric bypass surgery. At Weightworks Clinic, I immediately felt taken seriously. The surgeons are kind, accommodating and above all very knowledgeable. The rest of the staff ...

  • Voor en na foto van Rita, die aanzienlijk gewicht verloor na een maagverkleining bij WeightWorks


    My name is Rita after 30 years of doing all the diets I was done with all the crashing and yo-yo living. It was time to really choose for myself so went after the family doctor and got a referral letter for the ...

  • Voor en na foto van Wendy en Thanas, die aanzienlijk gewicht verloren na een maagverkleining bij WeightWorks.


    After years of fighting the pounds, we made the decision to go for gastric bypass surgery. Initially we went to NOK but ended up at Weightworks through word of mouth. After we called for information, we were fortunately able to visit soon. We had ...

  • Voor en na foto van Kimberly die aanzienlijk gewicht verloor na een maagverkleining bij WeightWorks


    How my path walked to arrive at this trajectory? I was running under another clinic. But heard of WeightWorks so made the bold move and contacted them anyway also purely because it is in my hometown. I was able to get to WeightWorks very ...

Operations and trajectory

There are 3 different stomach reduction surgeries all with their own advantages and disadvantages. How do you find out which operation suits you? Together with our specialists, you will go through a process to see which operation will give you the best results.


Gastric Bypass

(gastric bypass)

A gastric bypass or stomach bypass is an operation in which the stomach is reduced in size and the digestive tract rerouted. People with gastric bypass lose an average of 70 percent of their excess weight.


Gastric Sleeve

(Tube stomach)

A Gastric Sleeve or tube stomach is an operation in which part of the stomach is closed with staples and then removed. With that, the stomach becomes about ¾ smaller. What remains is a tube stomach as thick as your thumb on the inside. Not much food will fit in there anymore. Removing part of the stomach decreases the feeling of hunger.


Mini Gastric Bypass

(gastric bypass)

The Mini Gastric Bypass is a variation of the classic Gastric Bypass in which a small part of the stomach is cast off. The stomach reservoir is slightly longer to prevent bile from flowing back into the esophagus and the rest of the stomach just stays in place.

Learn more about:

A stomach reduction surgery is basically reimbursed from your basic package. That means your health insurance company will pay for the surgery if you meet the requirements. You do pay your own deductible each year.

Although the risks of our operations are low, it is not completely harmless. Therefore, it is important to know the risks in advance so you can make a good decision. Check out our overview of the criteria you must meet.

Wil jij weten of je in aanmerking komt voor een maagverkleining?

Volg deze stappen:

  • Stap 1

Doe de Quick Scan

Vul de Quick Scan in en ontdek snel of jij geschikt bent voor een maagverkleining.

  • Stap 2

Doorloop je traject

Je doorloopt het traject vanaf de screening om te kijken of je geschikt bent, tot aan de operatie. Na de operatie begeleiden we je met een persoonlijk leefstijltraject.

  • Stap 3

Ga gezond door het leven

Nu is het aan jou! Samen met onze specialisten werk je aan een gezonde levensstijl. Zo heb je het meeste resultaat en plezier van je maagverkleining.