Gastric bypass surgery allows you to eat less and be less hungry, and that makes you lose weight. Often even more than 70% of your excess weight. All surgeries take place under general anesthesia. So that means you are deeply asleep during the procedure. Therefore, you don’t notice anything about the whole operation.
The procedure takes about an hour. All surgeries at WeightWorks are performed with “keyhole surgery. So the whole operation is done through 5 or 6 small 2-centimeter openings. As a result, the wounds are small and you have less pain. Most people return home the day after surgery.
Do you qualify for gastric bypass surgery?
The most important thing is your weight. This usually involves looking at BodyMass Index (BMI). That is your weight in relation to your height. Furthermore, you must be over 18 years old, have made serious weight loss attempts before, and you must not have any addictions. (Smoking is allowed but preferably not). We also look at your eating habits and whether there are no psychological reasons to forgo surgery. Do the Quick Scan to see if you qualify.
An operation to lose weight?
There are many variations of gastric reduction surgery, but all of them involve the stomach and often the small intestine. There are three operations most commonly performed in the Netherlands. Consequently, the three operations have the most experience and the best results. The following is a brief description of the various interventions
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