The criteria for stomach reduction
What must you meet to qualify for stomach reduction surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is very helpful in losing weight permanently. Although the risks are low, surgery is not completely harmless. Therefore, you have to weigh the risk of surgery against the health risk of being overweight. With a little overweight, the health risk is not very high, but as your weight increases, the risk of health damage also increases.
This is even more so if you already have a disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes. In that case, the health risk (and cost) of obesity outweighs the risk of surgery. Therefore, there are a number of criteria you must meet to qualify for a stomach reduction.
Do you want to know if you qualify for gastric bypass surgery?
What are the criteria for gastric bypass surgery?
The most important thing is your weight. This usually involves looking at BodyMass Index (BMI). That is your weight in relation to your height. Furthermore, you must be over 18 years old, have made serious weight loss attempts before, and you must not have any addictions. (Smoking is allowed but preferably not). We also look at your eating habits and whether there are no psychological reasons to forgo surgery. Do the Quick Scan to see if you qualify.
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