About quality and complaint resolution

WeightWorks employees are committed to maximizing the quality of patient care

Still, there may be times when you are not completely satisfied with your stay, treatment or treatment. If this is the case, please let us know so we can address your concerns or complaints as soon as possible. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with treatment, treatment or care that is perceived by those involved as improper or unjust. The complaint may relate to treatment, care, organization and financial aspects.

WeightWorks has established a complaints procedure in accordance with the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz) and has an external and independent complaints officer available. We are also affiliated with a recognized dispute resolution body. Below we explain what you can do if you are dissatisfied.

Complaint reception

You report and discuss your complaint with the employee to whom your complaint relates or his/her supervisor. For you, the following may be good to keep in mind in doing so:

  • Please respond as soon as possible
  • If it is something that cannot be quickly dismissed: request a meeting; if necessary, try to put your complaint on paper beforehand and hand it to us briefly and powerfully
  • Try to think of what you want to accomplish with the conversation
  • Of course, you can always bring someone along for support

By talking to each other and listening to each other, we will hopefully reach a solution soon.

Complaint mediation/treatment by the complaints officer

Did the complaint care not resolve your dissatisfaction or would you like to file a complaint directly (without complaint care)? In that case, you can contact our external complaints officer. You can reach them through the Central Bureau for Complaint Management in Healthcare (CBKZ):

CBKZ attn. complaints officer WeightWorks
Reply Number 570
E-mail: klachten@cbkz.nl
Tel. 0183-682829

The complaints officer can mediate your complaint in an approachable and informal way. The complaints officer is impartial and independent and can also tell you more about the complaints procedure and any follow-up options. The purpose of the complaint officer’s treatment is to work with the organization to reach a resolution of your complaint.

Disputes Committee

You may disagree with the way your complaint was handled or be dissatisfied with the outcome. In that case, there is a dispute and you can submit this dispute to the Disputes Committee Small-scale Care Providers in which we are affiliated. For more information on this, please refer to the website: www.klachtenregeling.nl.

Want to know more?

This information answers key questions about your complaint options. For a detailed response, please refer to our complaint regulations. You can request these at info@weightworks.nl o.v.v. Send complaint regulations or through the complaints officer. There is, of course, no charge for this.