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You are thinking about gastric bypass surgery and have heard that you may experience unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhea after eating. These symptoms can occur ...
After gastric bypass surgery, it is important to make lifestyle changes so you can lose weight and stay at a good weight in the long run. You're wondering what ...
You are thinking about gastric bypass surgery abroad. You may have heard, for example, that the waiting times are shorter there or that others have had a good experience. ...
Previous news items
"It doesn't matter anymore, now it's ruined anyway." Ms. S. is a patient at WeightWorks and describes her thoughts during a binge. She is embarrassed about her eating behavior ...
After gastric bypass, such as gastric bypass, many people experience a problem that is often overlooked: excess skin. You wonder if you can prevent it; if you can counteract ...
Before undergoing gastric bypass surgery, you have often already done a lot of research and inquiries about what to expect. About the gastric bypass itself, but also about the ...
If you are thinking about gastric bypass surgery, you may be afraid that you will gain weight again after the surgery. This fear is understandable, especially if you've heard ...
If you are thinking about gastric bypass surgery, you want to know what the results of gastric bypass surgery are. You want to know approximately how much you can ...
Are you thinking about gastric bypass surgery and wondering if you can still get pregnant? We'll tell you more about what to expect. Dr. Frits Berends, Gastrointestinal Surgeon at ...
Are you looking into whether gastric bypass surgery can help you lose weight and become healthier? Perhaps you are worried about the cost of gastric surgery. Are you wondering ...
If you are thinking about gastric bypass surgery and you drink alcohol with some regularity, you may be wondering if you can still drink alcohol after the surgery and ...
You'd like to know how soon you can safely get back on the road after gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Frits Berends, gastrointestinal surgeon at WeightWorks, regularly receives questions about ...
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