Drinking alcohol after gastric bypass surgery? Is this allowed?

If you are thinking about gastric bypass surgery and you drink alcohol with some regularity, you may be wondering if you can still drink alcohol after the surgery and if it will bother your body. Dr. Kevin Göttgens, gastrointestinal surgeon at WeightWorks, has now performed more than a thousand gastric reduction surgeries successfully since 2015.
He regularly receives questions about alcohol consumption after gastric bypass surgery, and in this article he answers the 5 most frequently asked questions about alcohol consumption after gastric bypass surgery.
Of course, there may be individual differences, so we list the general advice here.
This advice applies to gastric bypass, mini-gastric bypass and gastric sleeve.

1. Can I drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery?

Yes, you may drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery, but we recommend waiting at least 6 months (after surgery) to do so. This way you give your body time to recover.
You also start by trying foods appropriate to a healthy lifestyle.
If you decide to drink alcohol again after 6 months, the advice is to take small amounts and see how your body reacts to it.
If your body does not respond well to alcohol (being drunk quickly/ blackouts, etc.) then it is better not to drink any more alcohol.

2. Will I get drunk faster after gastric bypass surgery?

Yes, research has shown that you get drunk faster after gastric bypass surgery.
Because your stomach is smaller, you eat less and your digestion has changed, alcohol is absorbed into your blood faster.
Alcohol is also processed more slowly than before surgery.
This results in you getting drunk faster, and alcohol in your blood longer than before surgery.
This is important to know if you want to drive after drinking alcohol.
So when you drink the same amounts of alcohol after surgery as you did before the gastric bypass, you notice this much more strongly.

Quote Drinking alcohol after gastric bypass surgery, is it still possible?

3. How much alcohol can I drink after gastric bypass surgery?

How much alcohol a person can tolerate after gastric bypass surgery is different for everyone. It is important to see how your body reacts to alcohol. 3 Tips if you start drinking alcohol again after gastric bypass surgery:

  • Start with a small amount to see how your body reacts
  • Do not drink more than 1 drink at a time
  • If you can’t handle alcohol after your gastric bypass soon (drunk are/ blackouts, etc.) then it’s better to stick to non-alcoholic drinks

4. Is it better to drink 0.0% after gastric bypass, instead of alcohol?

No, this is not always a wise choice.
If you decide to try alcohol again after 6 months and your body does not react pleasantly to it, you could think about 0.0% drinks.
It can be a good alternative, but beware: 0.0% beers and 0.0% wine are often sweetened with sugar.
This, in turn, can cause dumping.
You can certainly try them, but it’s best to choose drinks that don’t contain too much sugar.

5. Is there more risk of alcohol addiction after gastric bypass surgery?

Yes, the risk of alcohol addiction is higher if you have gastric bypass surgery, even if you did not have problems with your alcohol consumption before surgery. This is because alcohol is absorbed faster and stays in your blood longer.
In addition, research has shown that the risk of addiction increases if you have an addiction to alcohol prior to gastric bypass surgery.
You may also be more likely to have alcohol addiction if you suffer from mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety symptoms.
If you are an emotion eater, and you can eat less after surgery, it is important not to replace your food with alcohol.
Therefore, the advice is to learn to deal with your feelings in other ways.
If you notice after the gastric reduction that you crave alcohol more than before surgery, or that you regularly feel drunk, please contact our treatment team.

I now know more about alcohol consumption after gastric bypass; how do I find out if I qualify for gastric bypass?

If you love alcoholic beverages, we understand that you would be saddened if you could temporarily, if at all, stop drinking alcohol after gastric bypass surgery.
You now know what to expect about alcohol consumption after gastric bypass surgery.
At pre-surgery screening appointments, patients frequently ask questions about alcohol consumption after gastric bypass surgery.
If you have any questions following this article, you can ask the dietitian or internist during the screening appointment.
Wondering if you qualify for gastric bypass surgery?
Then do the Quick Scan and find out more quickly!

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While we strive to provide reliable and up-to-date information, this information does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from/by a qualified health care provider.
It is important to always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider regarding your specific health condition or with questions about medical conditions.
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15 January 2024 |
